Entry Requirements
Psalmody Academy and its courses are focused on developing people for a life of Worship. Its practical ministry training is done in a highly energetic, communal and transformative environment. To help promote their success, an applicant must demonstrate their suitability for the demands of ministry training. Consequently, to gain entry to Psalmody Academy, an applicant must:
Be a committed Christian (for at least the last 12 months)
Have a strong sense of the call of God on their life
Be a regular and active member of a local church (for at least the last 6 months)
Be at least 18 years of age by the time they start Psalmody Academy, and if under the age of 16, parental or a written consent of a guardian is required.
Be living a faithful Christian lifestyle consistent with our Code of Conduct.
Have access to sufficient financial resources to cover their fees.
Have the physical, emotional, psychological and intellectual health and capacity required to successfully undertake the demands of ministry training.
Agree to the Terms and Conditions of Psalmody Academy, and to conduct themselves according to the requirements of the Student Code of Conduct, up to and during the period of their enrollment.
In some cases, an applicant may be asked to provide additional evidence that they meet these requirements. From time to time, Psalmody Academy may apply additional conditions in relation to the above entry requirements. This will be done in the best interest of the applicant, based on our experience of the demands of ministry training, to ensure they are set up to succeed.